Mini-Grant Application
Healthy People AV provides the opportunity to apply for mini grants to support the mission and vision of the Regional Recovery Hub. The two network priorities that the mini grants will focus on is:
Civic Participation and Power-Building
Community Power-Building is both the desired outcome and a shared strategy among the RRH. Each organization and region will deploy different solutions to effectively engage community members as active and direct participants in decision-making processes that will determine the trajectory of recovery efforts beyond the next two years. Through a broad focus on civic engagement, grant funds may be used to train community members to advocate for transformative political agendas. RRH Leads serve a crucial role in creating bridges between traditional service delivery work and political advocacy.
Strengthening Organizations
Strengthening internal organization capacity is a foundational program element that will ensure the long-term success and sustainability of the RRH efforts. RRH Leads will use grant funds to increase staff for human resources, finance and accounting, development, communications and outreach, project management, legal counsel, and data collection and analysis. Investment in capacity building is necessary to position organizations, and their allied partners, to successfully absorb government funding for greater impact.
Sponsorship $0-$1,500
This funding opportunity is to provide funding for events, trainings, community projects.
Capacity Grant $0-$10,000
This funding opportunity is to provide capacity building support to organizations.
Leadership Stipend $1,000
This funding opportunity will provide stipends for new community based leaders to participate in quarterly leadership roundtables to receive mentoring and build networking.
This is a rolling competitive grant opportunity. Applicants may not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, national origin or disability. Funds may not be used for lobbying.
2023 Regional Recovery Hub Mini-Grant Application
Mini Grant Workplan Form
Mini Grant Budget Form
*Please email form to Jeanette Aquino at and CC: Michelle Fluke at